Choosing Wonder: Omer Counting Cards / Megan Smith


My project is a Omer counting card deck, developed as part of my individual daily Omer counting practice. It is a set of 49 cards with the Hebrew theme on the front and an English affirmation on the back. The design of the cards is a representation of my daily practice: following the count, I would ask myself what I needed from that day’s theme and how I wanted to embody and remember it. The cards can “do” more now that they exist in the world, and I’ve been thinking about how I can continue to use them throughout the year as part of a ritual practice.


This was the first thing I made with my materials - I was coming back to an image of a seedling emerging from its pod - and I knew there was something I wanted to pull out of myself.

This was the first thing I drew in my Atiq Maker notebook - notably the same seed imagery - but this time with an explosion of growth.

I experimented with different ideas and ritual objects connected to expansive, oceanic, and kept coming back to the question of how to create a daily practice of connecting to the divine.

Things clicked when I began my Omer counting process, which become the focus of my project. Each day I would count, envision how I wanted to embody the theme of the day, and create an illustration of that.

Invitation for Interaction

Spend one minute looking through the digital cards

  • Choose one (either in English, Hebrew, or both) that speaks to you

  • Why is this important for you right now?

  • How will you remember this for the rest of the day today?

Share your reflection on
“Choosing Wonder”