Journal refresh for a new year

We've been on an unplanned journal hiatus for a while now - basically the whole duration of the pandemic thus far. Figuring out how to move tactile, tangible education and connecting online felt like a task that required basically our full attention. Beyond that, and almost paradoxically, everything just felt so temporary, so ephemeral, as if we were waiting to get back to gathering and making in person and sharing the fruits of that with all of you online. Well, here we are almost two years later, and it becomes ever clearer that we've got to be so grateful for everything we can do in the present, and the future will make itself known when we get there. How do we show our gratitude? With proper documentation!

This renewed commitment to documentation is also inspired by one of our Maker Kollel alums, who one day shared the reflection that they had been gaining inspiration to run their own programs by reading the Atiq blog over the course of two years, leading up to eventually applying to be in the Maker Kollel. Wow! It can be hard to tell what impact things have once you hit publish, so it's always incredibly gratifying to hear some of the specific ways that this format has been useful.

So we'll do some looking back to try to share some of the programs we ran as we found our footing in the online programming world, and we're looking forward to sharing more regularly going forward.

Photos by Sara Henna Polen Dahan of the Atiq @ Home Studio, the in-process backdrop for all of our online workshops these past two years.