Atiq Hanukat Habayit - Studio Housewarming Party

Getting to officially kick off our work in our new studio space with sweet friends learning Zelda poems (translated by Berkeley native Marcia Falk), reflecting on the gifts, struggles and hopes of ancestors, making block print blessings inspired by those poems, and eating yerushalmi kugel, bourekas and babka, was pretty darn dreamy. Special shout out to Atiq Rabbi-in-Residence Ariel Evan Mayse for his key role in overseeing the unofficial children's programming, and to Atiq Creative Director Rachel Bickel for helping with every aspect of setup and cleanup, and ya know, for being in Berkeley for this! Can't wait to see the fruits of this space in the upcoming year, and looking forward to welcoming you here!

Photos by Hagit Caspi and Adina Polen